Saturday, August 31, 2019

Controversial issues in psychology Essay

Controversial issues in psychology are those that cause the greatest concern within both psychology and within society as a whole. Advertising uses techniques of persuasion to manipulate people’s behaviour in the desired direction of the perpetrator of the persuasive message, which uses invasive and exploitative techniques and try to show that social norms and values are not always for the best. Advertisements are a set of shorthand signals about products we are to buy and the circumstances we would use them in. They are a ready source of stereotypes, sexual, regional and cultural, e. g. families are always happy and adults are always employed. The first advertisement on TV in the UK was for Gibbs SR’s toothpaste. The ad has become an icon of the consumer age, and psychologists have become increasingly fascinated by the art of persuading people, despite its controversies. What persuades people to buy or use the advertiser’s product or service is how the advert makes them feel, i. e. the meaning we attach to the advert. However the advert is interpreted by the individual, the impact of any advertisement is what it means to us. The author invites us to participate in constructing a meaning for the advert. O’Barr (1994) suggests that advertisers create an advertisement for us to use as a skeleton to add flesh to and breathe life into. Another area controversy in advertising is that it is difficult to disentangle the impact of advertising from other influences that might be current at that time. Hedges (1982) points out that to the consumers, advertising is just part of their background – advertisements form just one part of the sensory bombardment that we experience every day. We cannot stop to evaluate every piece of sensory input, so for the most part, advertisements are relegated to fairly low levels of consciousness. Advertisers use many psychological theories to make their work successful, including associating their product with a particular emotion or image. A need for an item must be created, therefore we must be motivated. In the case of pre-existing needs, such as for bread, the motive must be to buy a particular brand (e. g. through price, quality). Where there is no pre-existing need, it must be created, as in the case of children’s toys. Neurological research has shown that the left hemisphere of the brain is more concerned with ‘practical’ functions such as language, where styles of response are, foe example, verbal and analytic. The right hemisphere is more concerned with spatial, imaginative processing, where responses concern feelings and are, perhaps, unconscious. Lannon and Cooper (1983) suggested that because of this, much advertising is geared towards the right hemisphere. Fast marketing is a relatively new approach, which targets those that have developed brand loyalty and become offensive when they are offered a new alternative. This creates problems for advertisers trying to target new groups, so a blitz of free samples is distributed (fast marketing) so that everyone has a chance of trying out the new product. Consumers are then more likely to change their attitudes or opinions about the product, and so the advertisers will have succeeded. People are also more easily persuaded to change their minds after witnessing testimonials or adverts which use someone who they think is admirable or attractive, such as sports heroes or actresses (Pratkanis and Aronson, 1992). Advertisers typically pair an attractive person or item (unconditioned stimulus) with their product (conditioned stimulus) to produce a positive attitude towards their product (conditioned response). This helps to give positive attitudes towards the products.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Outcome based education

Memoranda E. Local Title: Outcome-based Education: A Reaction Paper Outcome-based education is simply referred to student-centered learning methods that focuses on the student itself. The student would make a demonstration of the skills they had learned. It is different in traditional nursing wherein OBEY does not require a particular style of teaching.The student is open to use any kind of method they are comfortable with for learning. For a nursing student, it is very agreeable on my part to use the OBEY system and/or incorporate it to the traditional curriculum the students are familiar with. Nursing students are required to do return demonstrations to assess their competencies and the OBEY can be used for the students' benefit. It would be unwise, in my humble opinion, to eradicate the traditional method and be replaced by the outcome-based education.OBEY has been considered as a modern teaching strategy/curriculum and if the traditional methods had been totally replaced, there w ould be difficulties on the part of the professor handling the abject, especially if said professor is not actually young by age, but young by heart. The best possible solution that I am leaning myself into is to wean the traditional curriculum and slowly incorporate the outcome-based education so as to both professors and students won't have the shock in the new set up.If that plan goes successful, the it would be much better for two curriculums both old and new, merge into a single but much better off education system. The OBEY is still on the process of acceptance by different nursing schools and universities for it has not been openly used by faculties alike. It is but a reminder that the OBEY is still new and that it is very normal if few schools are using it on their student education.As the saying goes, old habits die hard, it is still on the process of usage and further recommendation. There is no perfect curriculum that can be used and be subjected to students. As I have sa id before, the OBEY is an interesting program that can be used to nursing schools because it submits to returns demonstrations and such. No door shall be closed in using this type of modernity.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Literacy and numeracy demands in lesson plans Assignment

Literacy and numeracy demands in lesson plans - Assignment Example The following are the learning outcome for numeracy demands †¢ Be able to measure distances on the map using the scale provided †¢ Student should be able to locate places of interest using the map direction and scale †¢ Students should be able to read the compass direction of a place and pinpoint some of the resources found in Victoria †¢ Students should be able to locate various human environments, spread of settlement, population, towns and cities and land use in Australia. †¢ Students should be able to know why environments change †¢ The students will be able to identity a grid and read its location Literacy learning outcomes Literacy skills help the learner understand the aspects of language and how to employ these aspects in managing school work and social life. Literacy skills are developed through writing, speaking, listening, viewing and reading. Literacy shapes the way students view themselves in relation to their environment. †¢ Students should be able to find information on the maps and share it †¢ Students should be able to describe the accurate location of places on the map †¢ Student should be able and become familiar to tourist maps †¢ Students should be able to answer the question asked in the text book and share and check the response with the others †¢ Should be able to present their conduct group discussion and share the knowledge in class Justification of the numeracy demand... Teaching numeracy skills among ESL and SOSE learners will socialize them towards believing that numeracy skills are important and can be imbedded in their school and social life (Kemp & Hogan, 1999). Numeracy skills is not all about solving mathematical problem but being in a position to effectively sue them as required in normal life instances. According to Fin (1991), the interest of understanding how the school curriculum of the Post-compulsory Education and Training affected Australia’s economy began in the 1990’s. To investigate into the matter a commission was formed by the government to articulate the links among the sectors of schooling, training work and higher education. The results of the review indicated that numeracy cuts across all disciplines and that that it is relevant to the Australian economy in diverse ways. To be able to perform well in their overall aggregate mark, students need to have high level of numeracy skills. Numeracy is used in class in le arning other subjects such as physical education, geography, English among others. If a students skills in numeracy are not proficient the chances of performing well in other disciplines is relatively low (Barin, 1990). The student’s numeracy skills are essential in helping them figure out different places on the map. In this case, most of the S1 learners among the foreigners are not conversant with the directions and places around Australia. To help them familiarize with the new environment, the use of compass direction plays a central role. Learning how to find out direction through the use of a compass makes their life in a foreign land safe and easier. Lack of this skill may slower down the rate settling in Australia thus affecting all other social interactions. This skills also comes in

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

IT for Creating Value Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IT for Creating Value - Essay Example This paper shows how information technology plays an important role in creating business value. Competitive advantage through innovation At the present, organizations could be able to get a competitive advantage by renovating their business processes through information technology based arrangements. In fact, the new technology based systems are more effective and accurate for the management of business issues and aspects. In addition, the information technology based system offer an excellent support for effective business processing and operational management. Moreover, the innovation brought by new technology based systems offers superior competitive edge to businesses. In this scenario, businesses are able to market, sell, and take decision by means of these IT based systems (Ramkrishnan R, 2004). Financial Value In more formal words, a primary description of the concept of value could be that each economic actor desires to increase their business profits. Thus, in this scenario, the value is recognized as financial worth, could be built by increasing profits. Consequently increasing the business value through information technology based could be determined by augmenting the business earnings. In addition, increasing the business investment in information technology offers an excellent support to the business as a result it increases business value and performance. Moreover, the use of information technology allows the organizations to reduce overall corporate manual processing operations that also leads to better performance (Stahl, 2002). Enhancing Business Value The new technology based systems also offer an excellent support for business decision making. These decisions are foundational upon the values and decisions about the IT are no immunity to this rule. Though, the most important and valuable thing in company is money or economic value. However, yet in business decisions a lot of values apart from money perform a vital role and indeed yet financia l value could typically be assessed to have a moral side to it. The same can be stated for IT. In addition, the design and use of information technology are extremely reliant upon on fundamental value that could be of an economic or moral or some other nature. It is able to be stated that the diverse values are exchangeable to a confident degree. Moreover, the complexity about the decisions foundational on values comes into view when there are numerous values that have to be recognized however these values do not provide similar results that is when values approach in conflict. In this scenario, one usual reason of clash happens between financial and moral values. Though, it is not seen that moral and financial values conflict unequivocally. Typically these issues could be stated as conflicts between moral or between financial values also (Prasad, 2008). References Prasad, A. (2008). Information Technology and Business Value in Developing Economics: A Study of Intangible Benefits of Information Technology Investments in Fiji. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, Volume 34 Issue 2, pp. 1-11. Ramkrishnan R, S. (2004). Information Technology: Value Creator or Commodity? Retrieved October 27, 2011, from Stahl, B. C. (2002). The Moral and Business Value of Information Technology. Retrieved October 26, 2011, from Sward, D. (2011).

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Report on Social Marketing Campaign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A Report on Social Marketing Campaign - Essay Example The spread of HIV and AIDS is mainly caused by social and health problems, therefore social marketing offers mechanisms for solving such problems through encouraging people to live healthier lifestyles. According to Kotler & Roberto (1989); Rogers (1995), the idea of diffusion and social marketing has been transformed to form strategies for use by the public throughout Asia, Africa, North America and south America. According to the United Nations, in the past two decades 60 million people have been infected by HIV/AIDS and reportedly 20 million deaths have been reported. Ninety-five percent of the infected population presently live in developing countries. The report on the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic, UNAIDS (2002) warned that unless prevention and treatment measures are put in place and followed diligently, over 68 million people would die in the next 20 years. Established cases of HIV/AIDS infection have increased in occurrence throughout different region and numerous countries repor t severe HIV epidemics amongst injecting drug users (IDUs). The countries with high frequency of HIV infections among IDUs are Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Nepal, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, India and Iran. Justification One of the major HIV/AIDS epidemic accelerants is the drug abuse and misuse. The major barrier in the fight against new HIV infections, recent drug use and emerging responses is the limited up-to date information on the magnitude of the problem. Reports across several countries on the number of HIV infection cases show drastic increase among IDUs. Countries in transition and especially developing countries are extremely susceptible to drug abuse and the risks associated therewith, piling serious burden on already frail health and social facilities. UNAIDS (2002) and WHO (2004) state that there was and still is the potential for a main outbreak of HIV among the IDUs particularly in Russia and bordering countries in the Eastern Europe and in other numerous countries es pecially across Asia. In some countries with high HIV frequency among the IDUs, HIV prevention measures have been implemented however reports of low effective impact ability upon epidemic among the IDUs is due to their limited availability and thus receive few drug users. On the other hand some assessed countries are yet to enact policies that specifically address HIV/AIDS issues affecting the IDUs. Some countries rarely address the issue before it becomes an epidemic and therefore the policy makers and programs tasked with the drug use and HIV are deemed unnecessary. Across the world over, HIV and AIDS response in Australia is recognised as a success. The national prevalence is lower compared to other high income countries. Through peer education and community based organisations the IDUs, gay communities, and sex workers in Australia on a national gesture prepared early and efficient on the embryonic crisis such as providing support, care and education on the importance of safe se x and drug injecting practises. Initially, the government and healthcare professionals established sturdy leadership program, across the affected communities and the epidemic at large. Australia continues to utilize and gain from the good leadership foundation and the level of the policy innovation. For instance, the implementation of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Health and Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health and Safety - Essay Example Another recommendation was the Deregulation Unit was required to work on guide by the end of 1993 on formulation and implementation of EC law in the UK. Member states indeed have a delay experience on the state of implementation of EU law in transposition of directive as shown by statistics. There is usually an incomplete or incorrect transposition as indicated by statistics of infringement proceedings. In 2002-2005, there has been transposition and application of directive cases up to 78 per cent of them initiated by the European Union against Member States. This indicates very clearly that a problem is experienced by Member States in determining the national method of implementation to give effect to directives. (Hall, Smith and Tsukalis, 2001) Better Regulation Task Force has always urged the UK government on the need for a better and regulatory impact assessment since the problem of "gold plating" is still continuing. The European Commission impact assessments that are supposed to be attached to their legislative proposals are not comprehensive. In addition to the financial impact of the business, it is recommended that their scope is supposed to be extended to require social and environmental impact assessment.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

What extent can we speak of a uniform impact of the cold war on Essay

What extent can we speak of a uniform impact of the cold war on western europe in the period from 1950 to 1980 - Essay Example The discussion here will focus on Western Europe, more specifically Britain, Spain, and Italy. After WWII, Europe was divided by Western Europe, allies of the United States, and Eastern Europe, which was controlled by puppet Russian communist regimes. The United States wanted an independent Western Europe. However, the United States only wanted an independent Europe, if the countries were capitalist. Whereas the Western Europe countries did not like having Russia control half of Europe, with America influencing the other half, they accepted it to the alternative. Brogi (2001, 76) quotes John Gaddis following statement: the hard reality was that Britain, France, and their smaller neighbors preferred the known risks of influence to the imponderables of a unified third force that could conceivably fall under German or even Russian control. Thus for the avoidance of a third world war, Western Europe tolerated the United States influence. â€Å"Indeed the Europeans proved incapable of overcoming their ancient rivalries, but were able to adapt and even promote dependence on the United States† (Borgi, 2001, 76). By depending on the United States, Britain, Spain, and Italy could transfer the responsibility of protecting their nations from Russia to the United States. The United States became the protector of Britain, Spain, and Italy during the Cold War. When before the Cold War, these countries were more dependent on European and self preservation against Russia and Germany. Great Britain and the United States have been allies before and since both world wars. However, the United States, during the Cold War, proved to Great Britain where the true power lay. For example, when the Suez Canal crisis arose, Great Britain and France wanted to resolve the issue militarily (Fraser, 2002, 74). The United States did not want to provoke the Russian backed Egyptian president, Nassar for fear of another world war. To stop France and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 13

Philosophy - Essay Example Happiness can have no other purpose than its own sake. Logically, we can’t desire happiness because we want to be intelligent, smart, successful, or any number of other things. These are things are not as valuable as happiness themselves, because these are the sorts of things that people strive for because they think they can achieve happiness through them. In this way people are using these as a means to an end, and even though this end is happiness, these sorts of things still are not as valuable. For instance, fame and money do not always bring people happiness. Often the case seems to be that the pursuit of these things gets in the way of the pursuit of happiness. People are able to be happy without large amounts of money or being famous, but these don’t make people happy in and of themselves. These things might lead a person to happiness, but happiness will not lead to these things. People also need to seem to have some function. Without a purpose to one’s life, there is no reason to attempt to accomplish anything. People need to feel like they are doing something, because if they feel that they are doing nothing, then there is no real purpose in being. By deliberately attempting to accomplish something, we are able to strive towards happiness. Aristotle felt that people needed to live a life of reason in order to have a purpose. By living a life a reason, it is possible to contribute to one’s own growth as a person, and this is enough to give people purpose. Aristotle was also concerned with virtue. As he saw it, virtue was not simply a matter of having a list of things that could and should be done and a list of things that shouldn’t be done. We must know the reason behind doing things. Take for instance religion. Religion gives people a list of things that should and shouldn’t be done. But religion does not offer reasons for why things

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ethical and Unethical Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethical and Unethical Decision Making - Essay Example The given case includes an ethical dilemma which will be thoroughly analyzed using the relevant theories of ethics. It will mainly involve the employee’s duty to the employer. Stakeholders in this case study include Zach Micheals who is a graphic designer; Altiora University where Zach studied; XJ7 Studio where Zach did his internship and worked on a major project; Tangent where Zach works after completing the degree and The Charleston Technical University, for which Zach creates a web portal using his previous work. In the given case, the ethical dilemma arises when Zach Micheals is asked by his boss to work on a new project using the files of his earlier work for Altiora University. The files were unlawfully stored by Zach when he was working on this project, but his intentions were only to keep backups for safe-keeping. Moving the project files outside the company was unlawful as it was against one clause of the signed agreement. After passing out from the Altiora University, he receives a job in Tangent Studio, a rival of XJ7 Studio, where Zach completed his internship. Zach uses his previous work and modifies it for Charleston University web portal. In other words, he unethically and unlawfully uses the intellectual property of someone else without taking any permission from the real owner. Zach may not be considered ethically wrong when he created backups of the project since his intentions were good, but later, when he uses this for Charleston University web portal, it was not only unethic al and an unlawful act. This is called â€Å"computer theft†. According to Manuel Valasquez, â€Å"to convert company resources to the employee’s own use are forms of theft because to do either is to take or use property that belongs to another (the employer) without the consent of its rightful owner† (Velasquez, 2006).